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Pier of Forte dei Marmi
Forte dei Marmi

March 2024 - September 2024

Forte dei Marmi, the Pier of Forte dei Marmi will host the monumental work Ki by Andrea Roggi, an unprecedented sculpture made of bronze and standing 7 meters tall, inviting us to reflect on the very essence of life.
The Japanese term ki indicates the force that permeates everything that exists in the universe. In its majestic grandeur, Roggi's work captures the essence of this primordial energy that nourishes not only our bodies but also our minds and spirits, inviting spectators to ponder the importance of maintaining a harmonious balance with the world around us and cultivating a profound sense of inner equilibrium.
This monumental Tree of Life – a celebration of the interconnectedness between matter and spirit, between heaven and earth – represents the perfect synthesis of Maestro Roggi's poetic vision and is inspired by the work Energia della Vita, created together with American jeweler Martin Katz. It is, in fact, the most complete creation the artist has made to date, embodying his commitment to technical refinement and spiritual research.
We invite you to immerse yourself in this extraordinary exhibition, to be inspired by the energy that pervades the work and to grasp its beauty and depth.

The exhibition is realized in collaboration with Vivai Federigi and under the patronage of the Municipality of Forte dei Marmi.